A downloadable asset pack

This is a simple to set up and use Spray system using VRCFury for installation for avatars.

This is not quest comp at all and probably never will be. :/

I have got more things to fix up and work on for the future, mainly to-do with the way you place the spray into the world.

if you need extra help with setup theres a png on the download page that can explain the very basics of installing the asset onto your avatar


Easily customizable 

Easy to install (Thanks to VRCFury)

Able to preview your spray placement before fully showing it to other users

has upto 8 slots (by default, this can be easily extended by modifying the "spraytypes" animation)

About the shader:

There are 3 Types of sprays you can do with the shader

  1. Static SpraysJust an Image. Just place the texture you want into the "Near Texture/Decal Texture"
  2. Fading SpraysFades To the "Far Texture" at a set distance
  3. Animated SpraysThese use Texture Arrays which can only be made through a tool Like this one or This one Just Tick the "Animated Spray" Check box on the material and setting the frame count to how many images are in your texture array. You can also control the speed of the Animation by playing with the slider called speed, it can go up to around 10x speed.

Extra Info: There's an Opacity Map texture that's for animating the spray in whatever way you want, could be through a funny image or a handcrafted fade like the one included with the prefab. If you are interested in making an opacity map (RGB: 0,0,0 means it will be last to come in and RGB 1,1,1 will come in first)


VRLabs (World Constraint https://github.com/VRLabs/World-Constraint)

ひげよし (Shader Base https://booth.pm/en/items/5585775)


Mels Spray System.unitypackage 253 kB
BareBonesSetup.png 9.7 MB

Install instructions


by MelodyCloud · 1 post
by MelodyCloud · 1 post
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